
Q: Do you have a minimum usage charge?

A:  We have no minimum usage charge- you pay only for what you burn

Q: What determines my tank size?

A:  The size and type of your gas appliances is what determines what size tank you will receive

Q: How is your Delivery set up?

A:  Your driver will work you on a route with the other customers in your area and attempt to make sure you do not run out of LP gas. If you notice that your driver has not been there recently and your gauge gets down to 20%,gas gauge thumbnail photo we welcome a call so your driver will be aware of your need. 

—If your account is in good standing and we have let you run out of gas, we will get there as soon as possible at no extra charge.

Another option is for you to "call in" for delivery.

Q: How soon will I get my "call in" delivery?

A:  We do not guarantee call-in delivery in less than 48 hours.

—We do make delivery within 24 hours for a $50.00 fee

Q: How am I billed?

A:  Statements are run at the beginning of every month and will include your delivery and/or service information and your balance, including the 6.75% sales tax on LP gas

Q: How do I go about becoming a Customer?

A:  Please call our main office number you see on the top right of this page.  You may view and download our

New Customer Application

from here, and bring it by our office during our regular business hours


Main Office

Call for information or to schedule a delivery:


Located at:

4737 Main Street
Shallotte, NC 28470

Mailing Address:

PO Box 40
Shallotte, NC 28459


8am- 5pm

Se habla español

After Hours
Emergency Numbers

